We are two sisters (Sallie and Julia) three years apart who share the same love for eating well and staying in shape. While Sallie is a stay at home mother of four and Julia is about to become a first time mom, we have always strived to make healthy lifestyle choices. We each have our own style of diet and exercise, whether it's Sallie training to run a marathon, or Julia getting up at 5am to attend a Body Pump class, but our goals are the same, to always be The Fit Mamas

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Spark People--A Great Resource

A couple of years ago I discovered a great website. Sparkpeople.com. This website is awesome. First of all, it's totally free. There are so many valuable tools and resources here. Great for someone who is looking for a way to get started and doesn't quite know what to do. Also great for someone who is really fit and wants to keep exact fitness and diet records and anyone in between. Here are a few of my favorite tools.

Weight loss Calculator- You enter in your current weight and the date. Then enter in your weight loss goal and when you would like to achieve it. They will figure out your calories and exercise amounts to reach this goal.

Food Diary- Although it can be a little time consuming, I would highly recommend this resource. You can enter in the foods you eat (even save recipes with calorie counts) and they will calculate fat, carbs, proteins, etc. They even offer daily diet plans and let you know about how many fat grams, carbs, etc. you should be getting.

Fitness Tracker-Keep track of your workouts. This website will also show you how to's on strength training and other fitness moves.

There are also recipes, chat rooms and communities for everyone. Lots of support and motivation.

I highly recommend taking advantage of this great website.

The Fit Mamas

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