We are two sisters (Sallie and Julia) three years apart who share the same love for eating well and staying in shape. While Sallie is a stay at home mother of four and Julia is about to become a first time mom, we have always strived to make healthy lifestyle choices. We each have our own style of diet and exercise, whether it's Sallie training to run a marathon, or Julia getting up at 5am to attend a Body Pump class, but our goals are the same, to always be The Fit Mamas

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Exercise Equipment- Stability Ball

Besides my dumbbells, my stability ball has got to be my most used piece of home exercise equipment. They are widely available and affordable. You can get one for $20-$30. They add an extra challenge and variety to your everyday workouts. You can even use them just for sitting for a good core workout or just to get some wiggles out.

How to Choose the Right Size Fitness Ball for You
Select a ball based on your height:
45cm ball = under 5 ft tall

55cm ball = 5’ to 5’7”

65cm ball = 5’8” to 6’3

”75cm ball = over 6’3” tall

Some, even come with a DVD workout or charts showing you exercise moves. If not, there are lots of resources on the Internet. Just google exercises on stability ball. Here is one of my favorites moves.

Squat with a Ball
Yes, this is an awesome thigh and butt toner. Find a larger wall space than you think you'll need before hiking up the ball to the wall.

Do it:

Place an exercise ball between the wall and the curve of your lower back.
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
Bend your knees and lower 5 to 10 inches, keeping your shoulders level and your hips square. Hold this position for 3 seconds and then stand back up.
Start with 5 reps and work up to 12. Rest for 30 seconds and do another set.

Smile. You're already one step closer to looking great in that swim suit!
The Fit Mamas

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